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August 1999 September 1999
October 1999 November 1999 December 1999
January 2000 February 2000 March 2000
April 2000 May 2000 June 2000
July 2000 August 2000 September 2000
October 2000 November 2000 December 2000

August 1999 | Top
10 Riverside County Board of Supervisors declares a local emergency, asks that the Governor be contacted, and asks for assistance from CDFA and USDA. The Board and the City of Temecula each allocate $125,000 to support research efforts to combat the spread of Pierce's disease (PD) by the glassy-winged sharpshooter (GWSS).
13 CDFA receives reports from research experts from UC Riverside and the Riverside County Agricultural Commissioner.
16 CDFA Secretary Lyons adopts an action plan that calls for the formation of a task force to help develop long-term strategies and identify additional funding for research and development. The plan commits CDFA to work with industry to develop immediate, cooperative remedies.
17 CDFA sends a letter to USDA explaining the serious nature of the problem and requesting nomination of a USDA scientist to the GWSS/PD Task Force.
30 CDFA provides Assemblyman Cardoza a letter outlining $3,000,000 in research needs for GWSS and PD.
September 1999 | Top
9 UC Riverside forms a southern California GWSS workgroup in order to apply for University funding. Secretary Lyons completes appointment of a task force. Task Force members are Larry Bezark (Chair), Dr. Conrad Krass, Ray Gill, Dr. Bruce Kirkpatrick, Dr. Alexander Purcell, Andrew Johnson, Ben Drake, Craig Weaver, James Wallace, Patrick Gleeson, Dr. Vincent Petrucci, David Whitmer and Dr. Mike Oraze.
23 CDFA's GWSS/PD Task Force meets for the first time at Callaway Vineyards in Temecula. Members of the State Legislature attend, including Senator David Kelley, Assemblymembers Rod Pacheco and Bruce Thompson, and representatives from the agriculture committees of both houses and the offices of Senator Chesbro, Senator Haynes, and Congressman Calvert.
October 1999 | Top
4 The County Agricultural Commissioners and Sealers Association is briefed on the pest and the disease, the Task Force, artificial spread, survey, outreach and research priorities.
5 The Governor approves A.B. 1232, urgency legislation appropriating $750,000 for each of three years to study Pierce's disease. CDFA receives a letter from the Temecula Winegrape Growers Association outlining short-term goals for control of the glassy-winged sharpshooter. CDFA meets with the Department of Pesticide Registration (DPR) to discuss registration of Admire™, a pesticide that can be used to treat glassy-winged sharpshooter in neighboring citrus.
6 Steve Nation, the Director of Governmental and External Relations for UC's Agriculture and Natural Resources Division, informs CDFA of the appointment of a UC Pierce's Disease Research and Emergency Response Task Force by UC President Richard C. Atkinson.
12 The Assembly Committee on Agriculture holds a Legislative Hearing on Exotic Pests at UCR. Three panels discuss controlling exotic pests, research and the future of exotic pest management, and the current Pierce's disease crisis.
15 The UC Task Force meets for the first time.
19 CDFA's GWSS/PD Task Force meets for the second time and reviews research lists, develops a draft report, and takes stakeholder/public comments.
20 The American Vineyard Foundation Executive Director confirms that the California Wine and Grape industry has invested over $250,000 in Pierce's disease research for fiscal year 1999-2000 in keeping with the legislation passed. Secretary Lyons meets with Karen Ross of the California Association of Winegrape Growers to discuss a change in rating for the sharpshooter.
November 1999 | Top
1 Secretary Lyons receives the final report of the CDFA's GWSS/PD Task Force, listing research priorities in 11 areas, including monitoring, biology and ecology of the organisms, biological and chemical controls, development of barriers and traps, and economic analyses.
2 CDFA begins appointment of 11 members to the Pierce's Disease Advisory Task Force, as required by A.B. 1232, Chaptered October 5, 1999.
4 CDFA requests USDA provide funds for immediate action to control glassy-winged sharpshooter and the spread of Pierce's disease.
8 USDA authorizes $360,000 in funding to control glassy-winged sharpshooter in citrus using Admire™ during late winter. USDA authorities tour the affected vineyards.
15 CDFA and USDA meet with the Riverside County Agricultural Commissioner and stakeholders to establish a plan for citrus treatments.
17 Working with CDFA and the County Commissioner, DPR determines the emergency (Section 18) registration for use of Admire™ on citrus should be issued by February 2000.
30 CDFA meets with the California Association of Nurserymen to develop a plan to reduce spread of glassy-winged sharpshooter on nursery stock. Nursery industry contacts UC Riverside and UC Cooperative Extension to develop a systems approach.
December 1999 | Top
3 The CDFA Request for Proposals is mailed to GWSS/PD researchers using the research priorities recommended to the Secretary in the GWSS/PD Task Force report.
8 CDFA begins development of a pest management plan with the County Agricultural Commissioner and stakeholders in Temecula. CDFA also meets with the California Association of Winegrape Growers to discuss:
  • potential movement of GWSS into other grape growing regions.
  • nursery industry cooperation in containing GWSS.
  • statewide monitoring.
  • overall coordination.
23 CDFA prepares a draft plan to help in formulating local or regional pest management strategies for GWSS/PD. Components of the plan include coordination, prevention, early detection, education, rapid response/treatment, enforcement, and compliance.
24 After discussions with CDFA leaders, Senator Barbara Boxer presents a request to the Office of Management and Budget asking that $2 million be included in the President's fiscal year 2001 budget for detection, trapping, survey, research, and integrated pest management programs to control Pierce's disease.
January 2000 | Top
3 CDFA staff meets with UCR scientists to develop a pre- and post-treatment monitoring program for the Temecula area pilot study funded by USDA.
4 CDFA's Pierce's Disease Advisory Task Force meets for the first time. The Task Force identifies the need for a statewide coordinator and makes other preliminary recommendations related to organization.
6 CDFA organizes a planning meeting for growers, pest control operators, and federal and county cooperators for the pilot treatment program in Temecula that will test whether early season treatment of citrus will reduce late season populations of glassy-winged sharpshooter in grapes.
7 CDFA attends informational meetings in Napa Valley and Bakersfield sponsored by UC Cooperative Extension to discuss development of local pest management areas for glassy-winged sharpshooter.
12 CDFA attends an informational meeting in Salinas to discuss development of local pest management areas.
13 Pilot study subcommittee meets in Temecula to develop monitoring and treatment protocols.
19 Treatment and monitoring protocols, as well as costs, are presented to the Temecula pilot test group for approval. A cooperative agreement is approved that provides schedules for the pilot test.
21,23 Pest management workshops are scheduled in San Joaquin and Napa Counties. CDFA will meet with the nursery and grape industries to discuss measures to reduce the movement of glassy-winged sharpshooter on nursery stock.
30 Second meeting with Napa growers to finalize plans for a pest management area and to identify specific actions to take place if glassy-winged sharpshooter is found in the county.
February 2000 | Top
2 CDFA meets with growers in Tulare and Kern Counties to discuss development of a pest management area for glassy-winged sharpshooter.
7 Meeting with nursery subgroup to develop glassy-winged sharpshooter voluntary compliance program for inspection and treatment of nursery stock in infested areas of southern California.
10 Meeting with Agricultural Commissioners from over 40 affected counties to discuss regulatory options and outline roles and responsibilities.
17 Meeting in Modesto to discuss formation of pest management area.
22 The Subcommittee on Livestock and Horticulture of the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Agriculture holds a public field hearing in Rutherford, California. Secretary Lyons outlines a request for federal support for a statewide glassy-winged sharpshooter action plan.
23 CDFA's Pierce's Disease Advisory Task Force meets in Sacramento to review and discuss research proposals for reducing impacts of Pierce's disease in California.
24 Temecula glassy-winged sharpshooter stakeholders meet in Temecula to finalize treatment and monitoring plans for the upcoming pilot study.
25 First meeting of the Fresno County GWSS/PD Management Area to decide on short and long-term actions.

CDFA Director Bob Wynn named as interim statewide coordinator.
March 2000 | Top
1 CDFA's Pierce's Disease Advisory Task Force submits recommendations on research funding and the statewide coordinator position to Secretary Lyons for approval.
5 CDFA and UC staff explore north and central Mexico for parasites of glassy-winged sharpshooter.
6 Nursery inspection program begins in southern California. Agricultural inspection stations continue to refer shipments from infested states to county biologists for inspection.
10 Alameda-Contra Costa Pierce's Disease and Glassy-Winged Sharpshooter Task Force meets to develop an action plan for the two county area.
15 "Blue Tag" (hold for inspection at destination) requirements put into effect to prevent spread of glassy-winged sharpshooter on nursery stock. Central Sierra Pierce's Disease and Glassy-Winged Sharpshooter Seminar held in San Andreas, California. Group formed to begin development of a management district for the area.
16 Pilot program treatments begin in Temecula. Citrus groves adjacent to vineyards are treated to reduce movement of glassy-winged sharpshooter into grapes.
23 Governor Davis meets with top California wine grape growers and announces he will sponsor legislation seeking $14 million over two years to fight glassy-winged sharpshooter and Pierce's disease.
April 2000 | Top
5 The Grape Movement Subcommittee of the Pierce's Disease Advisory Task Force meets in Sacramento to consider the pest risk presented by movement of bulk grapes out of the infested area.
9 CDFA and UC staff return to Mexico in search of parasites for glassy-winged sharpshooter.
10 CDFA Secretary Lyons approves pest rating change for glassy-winged sharpshooter from "C" to "B." Because the pest is determined to be of limited distribution and capable of causing serious economic impacts, nursery stock from infested counties must now be free of glassy-winged sharpshooter. An emergency regulation allows movement within the infested area of nursery stock which is substantially free of glassy-winged sharpshooter.
14 U.S. Agriculture Secretary Glickman announces a new $500,000 research partnership to protect vineyards against the microbe that causes Pierce's disease. Scientists from the U.S.D.A. Agricultural Research Service and from a research institute in Sao Paolo, Brazil, will identify the microbe's genetic make-up through gene sequencing. Other contributors to the project are the American Vineyard Foundation and CDFA.
19 Biocontrol specialists Larry Bezark (CDFA) and Serguei Triapitsyn (University of California) completed their second trip to Mexico and Northern Texas to locate natural enemies that attack the eggs of the GWSS. One species not collected during the first trip was recovered from both Mexico and Texas. Testing will continue in quarantine facilities prior to eventual field release of these parasites.
21 An advisory group of county agricultural commissioners was formed to address operational aspects of the glassy-winged sharpshooter program. The group will look at treatment options, a rapid response protocol, and nursery compliance agreements.
26 CDFA attends Yolo County Glassy-winged Sharpshooter Management Area meeting. Scott Paulson, Yolo County Agricultural Commissioner, presents the county action plan, which emphasizes public outreach and development of a response plan if GWSS is found.
27 A subcommittee of the Pierce's Disease Advisory Task Force, consisting primarily of growers and winery operators, submits recommendations to Secretary Lyons regarding actions that will reduce the potential spread of glassy-winged sharpshooter on bulk grapes from infested areas moving to uninfested areas during harvest.
May 2000 | Top
2 CDFA information technology staff develop databases for collecting and sharing information generated from GWSS program activities. Using the Internet, counties will be able to report on their survey and regulatory activities and will be able to quickly determine which nurseries in the infested counties have compliance agreements that establish requirements for treatment and inspection.
8 A single GWSS is detected in a nursery 11 miles east of Lodi. San Joaquin County agricultural trappers surveyed the area. Over 1,000 traps were placed in the 188-acre nursery and were serviced with no additional finds. All host crops within a one mile radius are being inspected. The sharpshooter was found in a trap during a routine survey. A single glassy-winged sharpshooter found in a Lodi orchard last fall was an isolated incident and believed not to be related to this discovery.
16 CDFA biological control specialist Larry Bezark visited numerous field sites in Ventura and Santa Barbara counties to survey natural enemies of the glassy-winged sharpshooter already in California. These native biocontrol agents will be evaluated for possible rearing and release to help suppress sharpshooter populations in infested areas.
17 Three glassy-winged sharpshooters are found in Porterville (Tulare County). Subsequent surveys show at least three square miles to be infested.
19 Governor Gray Davis signed legislation, SB 671 by Senator Wesley Chesbro (D-Arcata) to provide $6.9 million for research and eradication of glassy-winged sharpshooter and Pierce's disease. The Governor also sends a letter to Secretary of Agriculture Dan Glickman requesting federal support.
22 The Tulare County glassy-winged sharpshooter task force meets to discuss their action plan. Senator Costa and Assemblyman Flores attend, as well as staff from the agricultural committees of both houses of the state Legislature, and from the offices of U.S. Senators Feinstein and Boxer. The task force will wait until a survey is completed to determine the extent of the infestation.
26 Congress approves a $15 billion measure on crop insurance that includes $7.14 million to fight glassy-winged sharpshooter.
30 Secretary Lyons appoints a team of eight scientists to assist in the development of an action plan for glassy-winged sharpshooter infestations. The panel consists of eight scientists from the University of California, University of Florida and Texas A&M. The purpose of the panel is to help develop strategies for control of the sharpshooter.
June 2000 | Top
1 The Glassy-winged Sharpshooter Science Advisory Panel meets for the first time to review a proposed treatment program for the infestation in Porterville (Tulare County).
5 A sizeable infestation of glassy-winged sharpshooter is found in the city of Fresno. Additional inspectors are moved into the area for an expanded survey.
12 Fresno and Tulare Counties designated as infested with glassy-winged sharpshooter. Nursery stock from these two counties must now meet the entry requirements of any receiving county.
14 The Tulare County Agricultural Commissioner holds a public information event for residents of the treatment area. County and CDFA staff are available to answer questions about various aspects of the program.
20 Treatment begins in Porterville on over 300 infested properties.
22 The Fresno County Agricultural Commissioner holds a public information event for residents in the treatment area. CDFA and county staff present information on the sharpshooter and the treatment program.
23 Vice President Gore announces Federal assistance of $22 million to augment State and private agricultural industry efforts to control the spread of the glassy-winged sharpshooter and support research into methods to cure Pierce's Disease.
26 A symposium on glassy-winged sharpshooter and Pierce's disease, sponsored by the University of California, is held in Costa Mesa.
27 Treatment begins on approximately 55 properties in the Sunnyside area of Fresno County. Additional treatment is also planned for approximately 60 infested properties in Clovis. The Board of Supervisors in El Dorado County passes an ordinance to regulate the movement of high risk glassy-winged sharpshooter host plants and plant materials into the county.
28 The glassy-winged sharpshooter science advisory panel meets in Sacramento to review the status of the program and make recommendations to Secretary Lyons.
July 2000 | Top
7 Seven glassy-winged sharpshooter are trapped in Rancho Cordova in Sacramento County. Subsequent survey shows 480 properties to be infested.
17 CDFA files emergency regulations establishing statewide standards for the glassy-winged sharpshooter program. Most affected by the new regulations are the nursery and landscape industries and growers, wineries and food processors dealing in bulk grape shipments.
19 The Assembly Committee on Agriculture and Select Committee on Agricultural Imports and Exports holds a hearing in Fresno on the statewide glassy-winged sharpshooter program. The focus of the hearing is new protocols to reduce the risk of the pest being transported on bulk grape shipments moving from infested counties to uninfested counties.
25 Following discovery of glassy-winged sharpshooters at a property in Kingsburg along Highway 99, county inspectors identify 29 infested properties.
29 Treatment begins on 480 infested properties in Sacramento County. Treatment is foliar sprays of carbaryl applied to all trees and woody shrubs.
August 2000 | Top
15 CDFA and the University of California at Riverside announce trial releases of a tiny parasitic wasp that is a natural enemy of the glassy-winged sharpshooter. The first official releases will be followed by an ongoing breeding and release program in areas threatened by the sharpshooter.
September 2000 | Top
15 The Pierce's Disease Advisory Task Force met at CDFA in Sacramento. Members discussed revising nursery treatment protocols, seeking alternative chemical controls for urban infestations, and continuing the pilot chemical control project in Temecula. Three new members were introduced to the task force, representing the Farm Bureau, the nursery industry and organic grape growers.
October 2000 | Top
9 Glassy-winged sharpshooters are found on a residential property in Brentwood (Contra Costa County). County and state personnel begin delimitation activities in the area. Subsequent surveys show approximately 200 properties are in the infested area.
12 An GWSS infestation is discovered in Chico (Butte County). Surveys later show ten properties in a light industrial area along Highway 99 are infested.
20 Treatment information meeting held for residents in Brentwood (Contra Costa County) after several properties are found to be infested.
23 Ground treatment begins in Brentwood.
24 First meeting of the Glassy-winged Sharpshooter Environmental Task Force, comprised of members from other state departments, the university, farm organizations and environmental groups. The group will review the possible environmental impacts of the use of pesticides in the state program and will make recommendations to the Secretary for future conduct of the spray program.
30 The Glassy-winged Sharpshooter Science Advisory Panel convenes to review the progress of the program.
31 Meeting of the GWSS Environmental Task Force.
November 2000 | Top
1 CDFA holds the first of a series of six regional meetings to gain input from the regulated agricultural community about the state's program. The initial meeting is in Napa where approximately 100 grape growers, vintners and local nursery operators attended.
2 A regional meeting is held in Stanislaus for approximately 25 stakeholders who supported closing pathways for the sharpshooter. A treatment information meeting is held for residents in the Butte County infested area.
3 Following discovery of significant numbers of sharpshooters on commercial shipments of oranges arriving in Tulare from Kern County groves, CDFA files emergency regulations requiring that citrus shipments be free of GWSS.
7 Meeting of the GWSS Environmental Task Force.
8 A regional meeting is held in Orange County for approximately 80 stakeholders, including many nursery operators who requested uniform enforcement on nursery shipments.

Meeting of the Pierce's Disease Advisory Task Force Research Subcommittee to evaluate proposals for federal research grants.

CDFA staff attend a meeting for Tulare County citrus growers to explain the new restrictions on the movement of citrus.
10 A regional meeting held in San Luis Obispo is attended by a cross-section of local stakeholders who express support for closing all pathways for the movement of glassy-winged sharpshooters.
December 2000 | Top
6 Governor Gray Davis appoints veteran California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) executive Robert L. Wynn, Jr. to the position of Statewide Coordinator for the glassy-winged sharpshooter/Pierce's disease control program. Wynn had been serving as interim coordinator for the program.