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Resources and Links
- Kern County Pilot Program
- Counties with Regulations More Stringent than 3650
Some counties have elected to enforce shipping regulations beyond that of CCR 3650 (Pierce's Disease Control Program.) Here is a list of those counties and their regulations.
- Recommended Restrictions on Bulk Grape Shipments
The approved protocol for the movement of bulk grape shipments in Adobe PDF format (19k).
- Recommended Restrictions on Bulk Grape Shipments
The approved protocol for the movement of bulk grape shipments in Word document format (36k).
- The Biological Control Program's 1999 Annual Report
Adobe PDF format (1.36 MB).
- Information
on the Glassy-Winged Sharpshooter
Photos and information about GWSS from the California Department of Food and Agriculture
- New
Brochure On Glassy-Winged Sharpshooter
The University of California has released a new color brochure
on glassy-winged sharpshooter. The handout contains useful color photos of all
stages of GWSS. Farm Advisors in grape, almond and citrus producing counties
in California can now provide this brochure as a guide to help growers identify this
newly-introduced vector of Pierce's disease.
- Look Out
For The Glassy-Winged Sharpshooter
sheet developed by CDFA's Plant Health and Pest Prevention Services Division
- UC Pest Management Guidelines for Grapes, Pierce's Disease
UC State Integrated Pest Management Project
- Glassy-winged Sharpshooter News and Information Service
California Farm Bureau Federation
- Pierce's Disease Update (Revised 2/01)
Wine Institute Communications
- Viticulture Research Projects
American Viticulture Foundation
- Glassy-Winged Sharpshooter
Pictures and overview - UC Berkeley
- A Serious New Vector For Pierce's
Pictures and overview of glassy-winged sharpshooter by Phil A. Phillips, UC Cooperative
- Xylella Fastidiosa Web Site
Information on Pierce's disease, vectors, and related plant diseases.
Site maintained by A.H. Purcell, Division of Insect Biology,
University of California, Berkeley.
- Hearing Testimony
Statement of William (Bill) J. Lyons, Jr. Secretary, California Department
of Food and Agriculture before the Livestock and Horticulture Subcommittee House
Agriculture Committee, Napa, California February 22, 2000.
- County Users
County information section for County staff (requires login).
- Site Administration
Administration and development section for CDFA site development staff (requires login).